Documentation for KIN27-11-2001 JH Zhao A list of files kindrv.c Driver werner.pre is a sample input file in LINKAGE pre-MakePed format. Basically it includes family ID plus triple information of individual ID, father ID, and mother ID. If you wish to know more about that format, please consult Prof Jurg Ott's website at werner.kin was obtained from werner.pre by following command kin werner.pre werner.kin (or kin <werner.pre >werner.kin by redirection) Click Start -> Run, and type command, cd \your_kin_directory The MS-DOS windows may be too small on WinNT, you can press Alt+Enter to toggle between high-resolution small window and low-resolution large window. You can switch between you Windows tasks using Alt+Tab. If your system has MS-DOS Prompt in the Programs list, you can follow the sequence below, Click Start -> Programs -> MS-DOS Prompt, cd \your_kin_directory Otherwise the program automatically enters interactive mode, asking for pedigree ID, individual ID, father ID and mother ID. Like Morgan you will also need tell the program when your input ends by signalling EOF (end of file), i.e. ^Z for MS-DOS and ^D for Unix. When you finish a MS-DOS session use exit command to give control back to Windows.
Cheers, Section of Genetic Epidemiology and Biostatistics Division of Psychological Medicine Institute of Psychiatry De Crespigny Park London SE5 8AF UK |