Introduction to MFC Programming with Visual C++ Version 6.x
by Marshall Brain

Message Maps

Any user interface object that an application places in a window has two controllable features: 1) its appearance, and 2) its behavior when responding to events. In the last tutorial you gained an understanding of the CStatic control and saw how you can use style attributes to customize the appearance of user interface objects. These concepts apply to all the different control classes available in MFC.

In this tutorial we will examine the CButton control to gain an understanding of message maps and simple event handling. We'll then look at the CScrollBar control to see a somewhat more involved example.

Understanding Message Maps

As discussed in Tutorial 2, MFC programs do not contain a main function or event loop. All of the event handling happens "behind the scenes" in C++ code that is part of the CWinApp class. Because it is hidden, we need a way to tell the invisible event loop to notify us about events of interest to the application. This is done with a mechanism called a message map. The message map identifies interesting events and then indicates functions to call in response to those events.

For example, say you want to write a program that will quit whenever the user presses a button labeled "Quit." In the program you place code to specify the button's creation: you indicate where the button goes, what it says, etc. Next, you create a message map for the parent of the button-whenever a user clicks the button, it tries to send a message to its parent. By installing a message map for the parent window you create a mechanism to intercept and use the button's messages. The message map will request that MFC call a specific function whenever a specific button event occurs. In this case, a click on the quit button is the event of interest. You then put the code for quitting the application in the indicated function.

MFC does the rest. When the program executes and the user clicks the Quit button, the button will highlight itself as expected. MFC then automatically calls the right function and the program terminates. With just a few lines of code your program becomes sensitive to user events.

The CButton Class

The CStatic control discussed in Tutorial 3 is unique in that it cannot respond to user events. No amount of clicking, typing, or dragging will do anything to a CStatic control because it ignores the user completely. However, The CStatic class is an anomaly. All of the other controls available in Windows respond to user events in two ways. First, they update their appearance automatically when the user manipulates them (e.g., when the user clicks on a button it highlights itself to give the user visual feedback). Second, each different control tries to send messages to your code so the program can respond to the user as needed. For example, a button sends a command message whenever it gets clicked. If you write code to receive the messages, then your code can respond to user events.

To gain an understanding of this process, we will start with the CButton control. The code below demonstrates the creation of a button.

// button1.cpp
#include <afxwin.h>
#define IDB_BUTTON 100
// Declare the application class
class CButtonApp : public CWinApp
	virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Create an instance of the application class
CButtonApp ButtonApp;  
// Declare the main window class
class CButtonWindow : public CFrameWnd
	CButton *button;
// The InitInstance function is called once
// when the application first executes
BOOL CButtonApp::InitInstance()
	m_pMainWnd = new CButtonWindow();
	return TRUE;
// The constructor for the window class
	CRect r;
	// Create the window itself
		"CButton Tests", 
	// Get the size of the client rectangle
	// Create a button
	button = new CButton();
	button->Create("Push me",

The code above is nearly identical to the code discussed in previous tutorials. The Create function for the CButton class, as seen in the MFC help file, accepts five parameters. The first four are exactly the same as those found in the CStatic class. The fifth parameter indicates the resource ID for the button. The resource ID is a unique integer value used to identify the button in the message map. A constant value IDB_BUTTON has been defined at the top of the program for this value. The "IDB_" is arbitrary, but here indicates that the constant is an ID value for a Button. It is given a value of 100 because values less than 100 are reserved for system-defined IDs. You can use any value above 99.

The style attributes available for the CButton class are different from those for the CStatic class. Eleven different "BS" ("Button Style") constants are defined. A complete list of "BS" constants can be found using Search on CButton and selecting the "button style" link. Here we have used the BS_PUSHBUTTON style for the button, indicating that we want this button to display itself as a normal push-button. We have also used two familiar "WS" attributes: WS_CHILD and WS_VISIBLE. We will examine some of the other styles in later sections.

When you run the code, you will notice that the button responds to user events. That is, it highlights as you would expect. It does nothing else because we haven't told it what to do. We need to wire in a message map to make the button do something interesting.

Creating a Message Map

The code below contains a message map as well as a new function that handles the button click (so the program beeps when the user clicks on the button). It is simply an extension of the prior code.

// button2.cpp
#include <afxwin.h>
#define IDB_BUTTON 100
// Declare the application class
class CButtonApp : public CWinApp
	virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Create an instance of the application class
CButtonApp ButtonApp;  
// Declare the main window class
class CButtonWindow : public CFrameWnd
	CButton *button;
	afx_msg void HandleButton();
// The message handler function
void CButtonWindow::HandleButton()
// The message map
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CButtonWindow, CFrameWnd)
// The InitInstance function is called once
// when the application first executes
BOOL CButtonApp::InitInstance()
	m_pMainWnd = new CButtonWindow();
	return TRUE;
// The constructor for the window class
	CRect r;
	// Create the window itself
		"CButton Tests", 
	// Get the size of the client rectangle
	// Create a button
	button = new CButton();
	button->Create("Push me",

Three modifications have been made to the code:

  1. The class declaration for CButtonWindow now contains a new member function as well as a macro that indicates a message map is defined for the class. The HandleButton function, which is identified as a message handler by the use of the afx_msg tag, is a normal C++ function. There are some special constraints on this function which we will discuss shortly (e.g., it must be void and it cannot accept any parameters). The DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP macro makes the creation of a message map possible. Both the function and the macro must be public.
  2. The HandleButton function is created in the same way as any member function. In this function, we called the MessageBeep function available from the Windows API.
  3. Special MFC macros create a message map. In the code, you can see that the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP macro accepts two parameters. The first is the name of the specific class to which the message map applies. The second is the base class from which the specific class is derived. It is followed by an ON_BN_CLICKED macro that accepts two parameters: The ID of the control and the function to call whenever that ID sends a command message. Finally, the message map ends with the END_MESSAGE_MAP macro.

When a user clicks the button, it sends a command message containing its ID to its parent, which is the window containing the button. That is default behavior for a button, and that is why this code works. The button sends the message to its parent because it is a child window. The parent window intercepts this message and uses the message map to determine the function to call. MFC handles the routing, and whenever the specified message is seen, the indicated function gets called. The program beeps whenever the user clicks the button.

The ON_BN_CLICKED message is the only interesting message sent by an instance of the CButton class. It is equivilent to the ON_COMMAND message in the CWnd class, and is simply a convenient synonym for it.

Sizing Messages

In the code above, the application's window, which is derived from the CFrameWnd class, recognized the button-click message generated by the button and responded to it because of its message map. The ON_BN_CLICKED macro added into the message map (search for the CButton overview as well as the the ON_COMMAND macro in the MFC help file) specifies the ID of the button and the function that the window should call when it receives a command message from that button. Since the button automatically sends to its parent its ID in a command message whenever the user clicks it, this arrangement allows the code to handle button events properly.

The frame window that acts as the main window for this application is also capable of sending messages itself. There are about 100 different messages available, all inherited from the CWnd class. By browsing through the member functions for the CWnd class in MFC help file you can see what all of these messages are. Look for any member function beginning with the word "On".

You may have noticed that all of the code demonstrated so far does not handle re-sizing very well. When the window re-sizes, the frame of the window adjusts accordingly but the contents stay where they were placed originally. It is possible to make resized windows respond more attractively by recognizing resizing events. One of the messages that is sent by any window is a sizing message. The message is generated whenever the window changes shape. We can use this message to control the size of child windows inside the frame, as shown below:

// button3.cpp
#include <afxwin.h>
#define IDB_BUTTON 100
// Declare the application class
class CButtonApp : public CWinApp
	virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Create an instance of the application class
CButtonApp ButtonApp;  
// Declare the main window class
class CButtonWindow : public CFrameWnd
	CButton *button;
	afx_msg void HandleButton();
	afx_msg void OnSize(UINT, int, int);
// A message handler function
void CButtonWindow::HandleButton()
// A message handler function
void CButtonWindow::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx,
	int cy)
	CRect r;
// The message map
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CButtonWindow, CFrameWnd)
// The InitInstance function is called once
// when the application first executes
BOOL CButtonApp::InitInstance()
	m_pMainWnd = new CButtonWindow();
	return TRUE;
// The constructor for the window class
	CRect r;
	// Create the window itself
		"CButton Tests", 
	// Get the size of the client rectangle
	// Create a button
	button = new CButton();
	button->Create("Push me",

To understand this code, start by looking in the message map for the window. There you will find the entry ON_WM_SIZE. This entry indicates that the message map is sensitive to sizing messages coming from the CButtonWindow object. Sizing messages are generated on this window whenever the user re-sizes it. The messages come to the window itself (rather than being sent to a parent as the ON_COMMAND message is by the button) because the frame window is not a child.

Notice also that the ON_WM_SIZE entry in the message map has no parameters. As you can see in the MFC documentation under the CWnd class, it is understood that the ON_WM_SIZE entry in the message map will always call a function named OnSize , and that function must accept the three parameters shown . The OnSize function must be a member function of the class owning the message map, and the function must be declared in the class as an afx_msg function (as shown in the definition of the CButtonWindow class).

If you look in the MFC documentation there are almost 100 functions named "On..." in the CWnd class. CWnd::OnSize is one of them. All these functions have a corresponding tag in the message map with the form ON_WM_. For example, ON_WM_SIZE corresponds to OnSize. None of the ON_WM_ entries in the message map accept parameters like ON_BN_CLICKED does. The parameters are assumed and automatically passed to the corresponding "On..." function like OnSize.

To repeat, because it is important: The OnSize function always corresponds to the ON_WM_SIZE entry in the message map. You must name the handler function OnSize, and it must accept the three parameters shown in the listing. You can find the specific parameter requirements of any On... function by looking up that function in the MFC help file. You can look the function up directly by typing OnSize into the search window, or you can find it as a member function of the CWnd class.

Inside the OnSize function itself in the code above, three lines of code modify the size of the button held in the window. You can place any code you like in this function.

The call to GetClientRect retrieves the new size of the window's client rectangle. This rectangle is then deflated, and the MoveWindow function is called on the button. MoveWindow is inherited from CWnd and re-sizes and moves the child window for the button in one step.

When you execute the program above and re-size the application's window, you will find the button re-sizes itself correctly. In the code, the re-size event generates a call through the message map to the OnSize function, which calls the MoveWindow function to re-size the button appropriately.

Window Messages

By looking in the MFC documentation, you can see the wide variety of CWnd messages that the main window handles. Some are similar to the sizing message seen in the previous section. For example, ON_WM_MOVE messages are sent when a user moves a window, and ON_WM_PAINT messages are sent when any part of the window has to be repainted. In all of our programs so far, repainting has happened automatically because controls are responsible for their own appearance. If you draw the contents of the client area yourself with GDI commands (see the book "Windows NT Programming: An Introduction Using C++ " for a complete explanation) the application is responsible for repainting any drawings it places directly in the window. In this context the ON_WM_PAINT message becomes important.

There are also some event messages sent to the window that are more esoteric. For example, you can use the ON_WM_TIMER message in conjunction with the SetTimer function to cause the window to receive messages at pre-set intervals. The code below demonstrates the process. When you run this code, the program will beep once each second. The beeping can be replaced by a number of useful processes.

// button4.cpp
#include <afxwin.h>
#define IDB_BUTTON 100
#define IDT_TIMER1 200
// Declare the application class
class CButtonApp : public CWinApp
	virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Create an instance of the application class
CButtonApp ButtonApp;  
// Declare the main window class
class CButtonWindow : public CFrameWnd
	CButton *button;
	afx_msg void HandleButton();
	afx_msg void OnSize(UINT, int, int);
	afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT);
// A message handler function
void CButtonWindow::HandleButton()
// A message handler function
void CButtonWindow::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, 
	int cy)
	CRect r;
// A message handler function
void CButtonWindow::OnTimer(UINT id)
// The message map
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CButtonWindow, CFrameWnd)
// The InitInstance function is called once
// when the application first executes
BOOL CButtonApp::InitInstance()
	m_pMainWnd = new CButtonWindow();
	return TRUE;
// The constructor for the window class
	CRect r;
	// Create the window itself
		"CButton Tests", 
	// Set up the timer
	SetTimer(IDT_TIMER1, 1000, NULL); // 1000 ms.
	// Get the size of the client rectangle
	// Create a button
	button = new CButton();
	button->Create("Push me",

Inside the program above we created a button, as shown previously, and left its re-sizing code in place. In the constructor for the window we also added a call to the SetTimer function. This function accepts three parameters: an ID for the timer (so that multiple timers can be active simultaneously, the ID is sent to the function called each time a timer goes off), the time in milliseconds that is to be the timer's increment, and a function. Here, we passed NULL for the function so that the window's message map will route the function automatically. In the message map we have wired in the ON_WM_TIMER message, and it will automatically call the OnTimer function passing it the ID of the timer that went off.

When the program runs, it beeps once each 1,000 milliseconds. Each time the timer's increment elapses, the window sends a message to itself. The message map routes the message to the OnTimer function, which beeps. You can place a wide variety of useful code into this function.

Scroll Bar Controls

Windows has two different ways to handle scroll bars. Some controls, such as the edit control and the list control, can be created with scroll bars attached. When this is the case, the master control handles the scroll bars automatically. For example, if an edit control has its scroll bars active then, when the scroll bars are used, the edit control scrolls as expected without any additional code.

Scroll bars can also work on a stand-alone basis. When used this way they are seen as independent controls in their own right. You can learn more about scroll bars by referring to the CScrollBar section of the MFC reference manual. Scroll bar controls are created the same way we created static labels and buttons. They have four member functions that allow you to get and set both the range and position of a scroll bar.

The code shown below demonstrates the creation of a horizontal scroll bar and its message map.

// sb1.cpp
#include <afxwin.h>
#define IDM_SCROLLBAR 100
const int MAX_RANGE=100;
const int MIN_RANGE=0;
// Declare the application class
class CScrollBarApp : public CWinApp
	virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// Create an instance of the application class
CScrollBarApp ScrollBarApp;  
// Declare the main window class
class CScrollBarWindow : public CFrameWnd
	CScrollBar *sb;
	afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos,
		CScrollBar* pScrollBar);
// The message handler function
void CScrollBarWindow::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, 
	UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
// The message map
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScrollBarWindow, CFrameWnd)
// The InitInstance function is called once
// when the application first executes
BOOL CScrollBarApp::InitInstance()
	m_pMainWnd = new CScrollBarWindow();
	return TRUE;
// The constructor for the window class
	CRect r;
	// Create the window itself
		"CScrollBar Tests", 
	// Get the size of the client rectangle
	// Create a scroll bar
	sb = new CScrollBar();

Windows distinguishes between horizontal and vertical scroll bars and also supports an object called a size box in the CScrollBar class. A size box is a small square. It is formed at the intersection of a horizontal and vertical scroll bar and can be dragged by the mouse to automatically re-size a window. Looking at the code in listing 4.5, you can see that the Create function creates a horizontal scroll bar using the SBS_HORZ style. Immediately following creation, the range of the scroll bar is set for 0 to 100 using the two constants MIN_RANGE and MAX_RANGE (defined at the top of the listing) in the SetScrollRange function.

The event-handling function OnHScroll comes from the CWnd class. We have used this function because the code creates a horizontal scroll bar. For a vertical scroll bar you should use OnVScroll. In the code here the message map wires in the scrolling function and causes the scroll bar to beep whenever the user manipulates it. When you run the code you can click on the arrows, drag the thumb, and so on. Each event will generate a beep, but the thumb will not actually move because we have not wired in the code for movement yet.

Each time the scroll bar is used and OnHScroll is called, your code needs a way to determine the user's action. Inside the OnHScroll function you can examine the first parameter passed to the message handler, as shown below. If you use this code with the code above, the scroll bar's thumb will move appropriately with each user manipulation.

// The message handling function
void CScrollBarWindow::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode,
	UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
	int pos;
	pos = sb->GetScrollPos();
	switch ( nSBCode )
		case SB_LINEUP:
			pos -= 1;
			pos += 1;
		case SB_PAGEUP:
			pos -= 10;
			pos += 10;
		case SB_TOP:
			pos = MIN_RANGE;
		case SB_BOTTOM:
			pos = MAX_RANGE;
			pos = nPos;
	if ( pos < MIN_RANGE )
		pos = MIN_RANGE;
	else if ( pos > MAX_RANGE )
		pos = MAX_RANGE;
	sb->SetScrollPos( pos, TRUE );

The different constant values such as SB_LINEUP and SB_LINEDOWN are described in the CWnd::OnHScroll function documentation. The code above starts by retrieving the current scroll bar position using GetScrollPos. It then decides what the user did to the scroll bar using a switch statement. The constant value names imply a vertical orientation but are used in horizontal scroll bars as well: SB_LINEUP and SB_LINEDOWN apply when the user clicks the left and right arrows. SB_PAGEUP and SB_PAGEDOWN apply when the user clicks in the shaft of the scroll bar itself. SB_TOP and SB_BOTTOM apply when the user moves the thumb to the top or bottom of the bar. SB_THUMBPOSITION applies when the user drags the thumb to a specific position. The code adjusts the position accordingly, then makes sure that it's still in range before setting the scroll bar to its new position. Once the scroll bar is set, the thumb moves on the screen to inform the user visually.

A vertical scroll bar is handled the same way as a horizontal scroll bar except that you use the SBS_VERT style and the OnVScroll function. You can also use several alignment styles to align both the scroll bars and the grow box in a given client rectangle.

Understanding Message Maps

The message map structure is unique to MFC. It is important that you understand why it exists and how it actually works so that you can exploit this structure in your own code.

Any C++ purist who looks at a message map has an immediate question: Why didn't Microsoft use virtual functions instead? Virtual functions are the standard C++ way to handle what mesage maps are doing in MFC, so the use of rather bizarre macros like DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP and BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP seems like a hack.

MFC uses message maps to get around a fundamental problem with virtual functions. Look at the CWnd class in the MFC help file. It contains over 200 member functions, all of which would have to be virtual if message maps were not used. Now look at all of the classes that subclass the CWnd class. For example, go to the contents page of the MFC help file and look at the visual object hierarchy. 30 or so classes in MFC use CWnd as their base class. This set includes all of the visual controls such as buttons, static labels, and lists. Now imagine that MFC used virtual functions, and you created an application that contained 20 controls. Each of the 200 virtual functions in CWnd would require its own virtual function table, and each instance of a control would therefore have a set of 200 virtual function tables associated with it. The program would have roughly 4,000 virtual function tables floating around in memory, and this is a problem on machines that have memory limitations. Because the vast majority of those tables are never used, they are unneeded.

Message maps duplicate the action of a virtual function table, but do so on an on-demand basis. When you create an entry in a message map, you are saying to the system, "when you see the specified message, please call the specified function." Only those functions that actually get overridden appear in the message map, saving memory and CPU overhead.

When you declare a message map with DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP and BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP, the system routes all messages through to your message map. If your map handles a given message, then your function gets called and the message stops there. However, if your message map does not contain an entry for a message, then the system sends that message to the class specified in the second parameter of BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP. That class may or may not handle it and the proces repeats. Eventually, if no message map handles a given message, the message arrives at a default handler that eats it.


All the message handling concepts described in this tutorial apply to every one of the controls and windows available in NT. In most cases you can use the ClassWizard to install the entries in the message map, and this makes the task much easier. For more information on the ClassWizard, AppWizard and the resource editors see the tutorials on these topics on the MFC Tutorials page.